Being granted an apprehended violence order (AVO) (also known as an Intervention Order or ‘IVO’) against someone who has threatened the safety of you, your loved ones or your propert,y can go a long...
How to get an apprehended violence order (AVO) in Victoria
If you’re in immediate danger, call 000 now. Being in the position where you need to apply for an apprehended violence order (AVO) is scary, stressful and confusing all at once. This is particularly...
How to get an ADVO dismissed
If you’ve been served an ADVO (apprehended domestic violence order (or ‘intervention order’ (IVO)) deciding what to do next can be stressful and difficult - especially if it happens during a...
High Conflict Separation – The very pointy end of Family Law
What is ‘high conflict’ separation? Some people presume that high conflict applies to marriages or relationships that have had, or continue to have, an element of family violence. Others assume that...
What Is Family Violence?
Family violence is defined as violent, threatening or other behaviour that coerces or controls another family member or causes them to be fearful. Some examples of behaviour that constitutes family...