In Victoria, de facto property rights mean that couples living together in a genuine relationship for at least two years may have property claims similar to married couples. This includes shared...
De Facto Relationships – Am I eligible?
An increasing number of couples are choosing to live together in a domestic relationship prior to marriage. These couples are called ‘de facto’ relationships for the purposes of family law...
The Courts view on the Breakdown of a De Facto Relationship
he breakdown of a de facto relationship is an important aspect of family law that needs careful consideration. A recent decision by the High Court of Australia in Fairbairn v Radecki ((2022) FLC 94...
Property Settlement – Court’s Considerations
Family Law Property Settlements – What Does the Family Court Consider When Dividing Property? Divorce or separation can be a challenging and emotionally draining time, especially when it comes to...
What can a de facto partner claim in a break up or separation?
When relationships break down, disputes over property can be difficult to solve. Often there’s a few items that neither party can bear to let go of, whether that’s a record collection, a car, home...
De facto relationship entitlements after death
Losing a de facto partner is an incredibly difficult thing to go through, regardless of the circumstances. While it may be the last thing on the bereaved’s mind, there will come a time when the...
The legal disadvantages of de facto relationships
If you’re not married and you’re in a relationship, you may be in what’s called a ‘de facto’ relationship with your partner. The good news is that as de facto partners, you have very similar rights...